Study and examination achievements
Digital study and examination achievements can be coordinated via OpenOlat, AGORA or MS Teams. We present to you here:
- first, the current legal framework for so-called “electronic” examinations (as of January 2022),
- then provide you with information on the exam alternative “Take-Home-Exam” (THE),
- then give you information on the collection of study achievements in AGORA, OpenOlat and MS Teams
- and conclude with a small collection of tips on the topic.
- Weigh up: Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the different systems before starting the course. In OpenOlat, for example, the examination course can be synchronised with the STiNE list of participants - i.e. all participants are automatically enrolled in the course if they are on the STiNE list. This advantage does not currently exist in AGORA. However, due to its flat hierarchical structure, AGORA allows an easy entry and offers you a simple solution with the “person room” function.
- Unify: Use one and the same system for your course and the exam to avoid confronting students with technical uncertainties on the home stretch.
- Name it: It is always helpful to demand a sensible and uniform naming of the files in order to be able to quickly list and assign the submitted performances. It is therefore best to specify a naming standard in the assignment, e.g. “AssignmentX-Name-FirstName-MatriculationNumber”. This way you avoid a flood of files with titles that are not very meaningful, such as “Test.docx” “Einfuehrung.ppt” and the like.
- Delegate: For example, let the students take care of the creation of protected channels in MS Teams. This way you minimise your own workload. However, bear in mind that students have different levels of familiarity with the systems. Therefore, introduce the chosen platform in the course and show an example of the procedure you want to use.