Research areas
Universität Hamburg is northern Germany’s largest and most diverse center of research. Its research profile is distinguished by its 6 core research areas, 5 emerging fields, and 8 profile initiatives forming the basis for new research alliances.
All 8 departments in the faculty take part in the University’s core research areas, emerging areas, and profile initiatives: The Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Written Artefacts" is the heart of the university core research area Manuscript Cultures. In addition, there are the university potential areas The Early Modern World with the Research Group 5138 "Spiritual Intermediality in the Early Modern Period" and the Research Training Group "Interconfessionality in the Early Modern Period" as well as Grounds, Norms, Decisions. These are complemented by the university profile initiatives Linguistic Diversity, Modeling Nature, Thought and Religions, and Violence and Security.
Currently, the Faculty of Humanities has the following major projects:
- one Cluster of Excellence
- 2 DFG Research Units
- 3 DFG Centres for Advanced Studies
- 3 DFG Research Training Groups
- 4 Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups
- 5 DFG long-term projects
- 6 Academies' Projects
- 7 ERC Grants
- a project of the Landesforschungsförderung